KALKULATOR - VERSION HISTORY ============================ VERSION 1.10 - 96/02/12 A maintenance release (despite round version number). Fixed bug causing non-rounded display of some values describing plots in log scale. Worked around a bug present in the floating-point coprocessor in at least some 486/50 chips (yes, Pentium was not first!), causing a loss of precision (see the help file). VERSION 1.09 - 96/01/14 Sound effects added. Important ONLY for some European users: a "." is now consistently used as the decimal point, regardless of regional settings. VERSION 1.07 - 95/12/14 Fixed bug in verifying of the help file integrity, causing crashes upon startup in the non-registered version. (This affected only some copies of 1.06, distributed via http://www.freeflight.com). Expressions, not just values, are accepted wherever numerical input is expected. A "Mini Layout" option introduced. Basic physical constants added. VERSION 1.04 - 95/11/25 Workaround around a compiler bug, affecting user functions. VERSION 1.00 - 95/11/11 The original release, based on 0.98 Beta.